‘‘Dreams and Their Meaning: 9 Interesting Facts’’


‘‘Dreams and Their Meaning: 9 Interesting Facts’’

The world of dream interpretation is rich and exciting to dive into. We have all asked questions about why we dream and what our dreams actually could mean. Yet few people know the meaning of their dreams. That’s why I have included the most commonly asked questions about dreams and their meaning in this post.

Dreams and Their Meaning

Below are 9 interesting facts about dreams that you always wanted to know!

1. Do Dreams Have a Meaning in the Real World?

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Yes, dreams have significance in the real world. Dreams are told in a symbolic language, and the images in our dreams often consist of hidden meanings and information.

When interpreting and analyzing dreams, it is important to understand that the story told in the dream is symbolic, not to be taken literally. The meaning of our dreams is a personal matter related to each person’s life experiences and emotions.


2. Why Do I Have Recurring Dreams?

Recurring dreams are very common. Recurring dreams often indicate that certain problems have not been dealt with in our waking life.

When we examine these recurring dreams we can understand what triggers them. As a result, it can allow us to resolve the underlying problem and eliminate the recurring dream.

3. Do Most People Dream in Color?

Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

Most of us do indeed dream in color, but many may not notice the colors in their dreams.

Since colors are a natural part of our normal daily experience, they may be ignored in the dream world. Besides, dreams fade so quickly that the sense of color may be the first thing to leave the conscious mind.

4. Do Animals Dream?

All creatures studied have exhibited the same brain activity as the human brain during sleep. Many scientists believe this is evidence that animals are in fact dreaming, although what they dream of is probably going to remain a mystery.

5. How Are Dreams Affected by My Daily Life?

Any suppressed feelings or thoughts we have during the day may appear in the dream at night. For example, if you want to express frustration to someone but failed to do so, you may express frustration to that person or a similar character in your dream.

Also, those who have experienced traumatic events are often haunted by nightmares in which they relive that trauma.

6. Do Men and Women Have Different Dreams?

Both men and women experience the same brain wave activity during dream sleep. However, the content of the dreams of men and women are indeed different.

Research on the content of dreams shows that men are more likely to dream about other men than women, while women tend to dream about men and women equally.

Women also tend to recall their dreams more easily than men, and women tend to have nightmares more frequently and intensely than men.

Photo by Yohann Lc on Unsplash

7. Why Do I Only Remember the Bad Dreams and Not the Good Ones?

One reason why we often only remember bad dreams and nightmares is that they are the most vivid. Vivid dreams tend to be a lot easier to remember because they feel so real and often leave us with strong emotions.

Also, if we are awakened by a particularly vivid nightmare, we are waking up during dream sleep. That means the dream is most likely to be remembered in its smallest details.

8. What Does It Mean to Dream About Dreaming?

Experiencing a dream within a dream may be a way of dealing with things from the subconscious mind.

Dreams in dreams may prevent us from waking up too soon, and they are usually a reflection of key issues that we must face and gain control of.

9. What Is Lucid Dreaming and How Can I Induce It?

Lucid dreaming is when we are conscious during the dream. We are able to recognize our thoughts and emotions as the dream happens. And, we often have certain control over the characters, narration, and environment in the dream.

If you are interested in learning how to induce lucid dreams I highly recommend you check out the Lucid Dreaming Training Program. You will learn a complete toolset to induce lucid dreaming, while exploring multiple approaches to find what works best for you, through a progressive series of easy-to-digest video sessions.

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